The Golden Square is a group of interconnected, socially conscious companies that collaborate to improve communities and the lives of our most precious members - children. Currently, 4 of the b.labs ventures form the cornerstone of The Golden Square - Basement Sports, Kidcoin, Blend FC and Timebug. Think about it as the block where you would most want to grow up and have your children raised, where they will have the chance to learn essential life skills and core values like respect, teamwork, delay of gratification, humility and hard work.

b.labs is a Think Tank dedicated to solving some of the world’s most pressing issues, with a holistic approach - one where everyone in the ecosystem wins. We think about problems - both local and global - with fresh eyes, and come up with ideas that others either could not conceive or did not believe could be implemented. We are dreamers and doers, and will not quit until our vision manifests.
First conceived by serial entrepreneur Arman Rousta and applied to a pilot project (Ajustco) back in 2014, b.labs formalized in 2018 with its first capital raise and set of portfolio companies. Since then, we have had an exit and added several additional high-growth potential ventures to the mix. The team is now mature and seasoned in what it takes to develop startups effectively.

Browse through The Golden Square ventures (first 4) and beyond through the current portfolio below. For more information on each, visit respective venture websites.

“Individual commitments to a group effort: That is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.”
– Vince Lombardi

b.labs is industry agnostic. We like tech, but do not invest solely in it, for the power of the human mind transcends technology. We will look at any problem that is worth solving and either help to generate a viable solution or consider outside ventures who have an idea under development.
Our sweet spot is to have between 5-7 ventures active at all times. Unlike large accelerators, which ‘spread their seed’ across hundreds of portfolio companies hoping to fish out some winners, b.labs invests deeply, operationally, in all of our ventures. Our goal is 100% success across ventures that we touch.
We invest capital, tech and marketing resources, management and strategic direction into our portfolio companies, to ensure that they are both nimble and resourceful in the early days of prototype and company development. Many of our ventures are actively managed by project teams from within our internal agency, Blueliner, which allows for us to be economical on overhead.

We can't wait to hear from you
150 Bay Street
Jersey City, NJ 07302